And it would come to pass that one day, efficiency reigned. Everything and everyone would be the same for ever. Everybody would wear the same clothes, eat the same calorie-controlled diet and work for the same company. There would be one company. Everybody would have seven hobbies. There would be only seven hobbies to have. They would be job descriptions. Everybody would share the same modes of transport and travel the same distance every month. Vacations were part of peoples' occupations, as were redundancies. Hardship and wealth had become optimised as agents of progress. Progress had been driven by necessity. Stability had been the goal and stability had been attained. There would be no more need for change, only growth. Only a few individuals would grow. They would harvest any excess without impediment. This had been proven to be necessary.
Everybody worked all the time. Everybody would serve and everybody would be served equal amounts of everything. There would be no inequality and everybody would treat everybody else identically. There would be no prejudice or discrimination.
Everyone would use the same money and the same bank. There would be one bank. They would use the same shop for everything. There would be one shop. All branches would be located by strict demographic measurements and proven management techniques and sized accordingly. They would stock exactly the same produce at exactly the same prices. Each outlet would employ the same amount of women and men. All purchases were driven by compulsion. There would be no need for enforcement of anything, ever. Everybody would know their place.