Say what you like about Thatcher. No, really. Say what you like. I do. Often. But while she may have been venal, vindictive and callous, she was transparently so and therefore sincerely venal, vindictive and callous. She had neither the time nor aptitude for convincing artifice and we knew where we were with her, even if this was at the wrong end of her lead-lined handbag. This albeit inadvertant honesty was to prove her downfall, something David Cameron has clearly taken note of.
While our on/off/is he? isn't he?/on/off again friend, Muammar Gaddafi, is overseeing Libya’s brutal implosion – and without even having the decency to follow the West’s retrospectively-written script, recently performed in Tunisia and Egypt - our prime minister is presently on an already planned tour of fun-loving, anything-goes, liberal democracies in and around the Persian Gulf. Yesterday he was in Kuwait , ostensibly celebrating the 20th anniversary of its liberation from the hands of Saddam, another surplus psychopath whose tyrant’s license we revoked after he'd given Iran a good hammering with made in the U.K. tools. Don’t know about you but, after watching Cameron’s performance, my skin was not satisfied with mere crawling; it grew wings and flew off into the sunset.